Sunday, September 4, 2011

"Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything": Photo Story Proposal

Our first major assignment in Mediated Communications will be to photograph a Photo Story. A Photo Story is, in essense a collection of varying pictures that portray a central idea. For the Honors Component we were told that our photo story topic should "capture something about life in this particular moment in history" much like the Farm Security Administration photo stories did in the 1930s.

As I thought about what my generation may be known for once we are considered history, I couldn't stop thinking about how lazy we have become due to technology. Although some people have argued that "laziness promotes innovation" I fear that this innovation may be our downfall; if we continue to turn to technology every time we want to cut a corner we may reach a point where we no longer need face-to-face communication or to even leave our apartment. This will be what my photo story will focus on. We don't think twice about using technology to cut corners but this photo story will demonstrate how a person can go an entire day without ever leaving their home.

My working headline for this photo story will be "An Indolent Truth" playing off of the famous Al Gore movie "An Inconvenient Truth". Indolent is a synonym of lazy.

I will shoot this photo story in either my own apartment or a friend's apartment in North College Terrace, depending on whom I choose to be my subject.

This photo story will present a few examples of this and then allow the viewer to draw their own conclusions as to how serious of a problem this topic is. I will not be presenting dramatized portrayals of how technology can make us lazy so as to avoid it becoming too editorial. This will, however, be more of a photo essay than a photo story because I will be portraying a point of view. Although you may not know one singular person who does every single thing I will photograph in one day. the scenes I will portray will not be unfamiliar to anyone who views my photo story. Compiling them together in a photo essay will provide the examples needed to provoke viewers to think about the issue at hand even without having a lengthy written argument.

The idea that I plan to capture for my lead photo is the fact that we can Google virtually anything. Information is literally at our finger tips so we don't have to work very hard to find an answer In order to portray this idea I want to take a picture that shows textbooks being rejected in favor of the internet. I have not yet worked out how this will be set up, but I am in the process of developing my ideas for this picture.

Altogether, I am pretty excited for this project. I think this is an idea that is very important in this day and age and I think it will be fun to photograph.
Title Credit: Lazy Song by Bruno Mars

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