In class we read the following article about how to best stage scense dramatically or comedically.
It claims that dramatic scenes should adhere to the following rules:
1) create depth within your staging,
2) place the "camera" in such a way as to avoid symmetry and to create diagonals within the frame, avoiding straight lines within the composition completely, and
3) whenever possible, use a darker and more limited palette without a lot of bright colors
I then found screenshots from Pirates of the Caribbean, At Worlds End. ( As it is a pirate movie, it will be inherently dramatic, although comedic scenes, as they frequently do, will find their way in.
Most of the photos found in that post about Pirates of the Caribbean have a relatively darker palette. In most of the screenshots with the ship, it is sailing forward or away in a diagonal. In addition, any time a character appears he or she is not facing directly into the camera: either their eyes are averted away or their entire face is facing away at an angle.
Title Credit: If This Was a Movie by Taylor Swift
Title Credit: If This Was a Movie by Taylor Swift
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